The Fairview High Visual Arts courses develop incredibly talented artists every year. Students may choose Visual Arts as their elective focus to complete their requirements for graduation. This path may culminate with AP Art and Design, in which students prepare a series of work used for applying to colleges and scholarships.
Courses include Visual Arts I, II, III Honors, AP Art and Design, and AP Art History. Even though AP Art History is not an art-making class, students can earn their Fine Art credit towards graduation requirements, with the potential to earn College Credit. Materials and techniques of Visual Art classes may include -but are not limited to- drawing, painting, photography, sculpting, performance, printmaking, ceramics and digital works. Emphasis is placed on developing the student's voice, creative risk-taking and artistic practice.
Student artwork is consistently displayed in the school building throughout the school year.
Please enjoy our Fine Arts Slide; it encompasses what Fairview High has to offer.
Tesha Goodgine, Art teacher